Gjallerhorn: A Norse Oracle Deck

I am super picky about my oracle decks. In fact, I only have three of them, including the spectacular Gjallerhorn: A Norse Oracle Deck which I got a copy of this week. First of all, the packing is superb. The outside box is black with gilded embellishments. It also has hidden magnets in the cover which keep it secure. Inside, it contains a hard cover book of the same quality plus three different decks which can be used together or separately:

RUNES—It has a lovely set of runic symbol cards which are also gilded. They have a nice weight to them.

NORSE GODS AND GODDESSES—I love the pictures because they go beyond the over-used “Vikings with horn hats” that you usually see in pictures of Norse deities. This section also includes Fenrir, Huginn and Muninn and a few other surprises.

NORSE SIGILS—This is a nice collection of traditional Norse sigils to work with.

The book is very well written and the flexibility of the deck is fantastic. I’ve seen a few Norse decks that feel like nothing more than a cash grab. This one is leagues about the rest and they clearly took a lot of time and care in creating it. Honestly, it just doesn’t get any better than this.

I look forward to using this amazingly crafted deck. If you have any interest in Norse magic and mythology then this deck is definitely for you. It’s also reasonably priced considering the quality of the deck and packaging.

Copyright ©2024 by David Taliesin, http://www.sabbatsandsabbaths,com

About David Taliesin

My name is David Taliesin. I'm an writer, teacher and retreat leader who explores the connections between Christian and Pagan Spirituality. E-mail me with any personal comments you'd like to share and I will do my best to answer them. You can also contact me through my Facebook page www.facebook.com/davidtaliesinauthor
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