Mojo Bag/Sachet Empowering Spell

Here is the closing ritual we did at Sunday night’s Welcoming Circle. Our opening topic was creating mojo bags which we constructed in class and blessed them at the end of our time together.



Take an athame, wand or whatever you use to define sacred space and move it around the circle as you say the following. It’s a form of the traditional Protection Prayer:

Divine Light surrounds us.
Divine Love enfolds us.
Divine Power protects us.
Divine Presence watches over us.
Whoever we are, the Divine is.
All is well.


We face the East and call upon the elemental spirit of Air. May your hidden wisdom blow through our circle tonight and empower our work. Hail and welcome!

We face the South and call upon the elemental spirit of Fire. May you purify our intentions so they may serve us well, lighting the way forward. Hail. and welcome!

We face the West and call upon the elemental spirit of Water. May your peace become our peace, connecting us deeper to the Divine and to the world around us. Hail and welcome!

We face the North and call upon the elemental spirit of Earth. Keep us grounded in these troubled times and help us to prosper in ways that are just. Hail and welcome!

Great Mystery, who is known to us by many names, we ask you to be with us and bless our working tonight. We are honored by your presence. Hail and welcome!


First, we anoint our bags with rue oil which is “rocket fuel” for any intention. You can also use any other oil that is blended for your specific intention.

Method 1—Use a clock wise circle if you are trying to draw something toward you, Use a counter-clockwise circle if you are trying to banish something from your presence.

Method 2—With the figure of the solar cross in mind, anoint the bag from the center outward in all four directions, saying “As above, so below” or “On earth as it is in heaven.” You can do this on only one side of the bag. If you are trying to banish something from your presence, anoint from the outside toward the center of the solar cross.

When everyone’s bags are ready, raise the energy in the room with the Om-Ah chant. While doing this, ask individuals to think about their intention for the bag.

When a sufficient amount of energy is raised tell the group to release it and direct it toward their bag.


Great Mystery, who is known to us by many names, bless these bags and the intentions we’ve attached to them tonight. My they empower us to do whatever work you have called us to undertake in our lives and in our community. So mote it be!


We face the North and give thanks to the elemental spirit of Earth for their presence in our circle tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you farewell.

We face the West and give thanks to the elemental spirit of Water for their presence in our circle tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you farewell.

We face the South and give thanks to the elemental spirit of Fire for their presence in our circle tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you farewell.

We face the East and give thanks to the elemental spirit of Air for their presence in our circle tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. We bid you farewell.

Great Mystery, who is known to us by many names.
We thank you for your presence in our circle tonight.
Stay if you will, go if you must.
We bid you farewell!

The circle is open but never unbroken
Because it is a circle woven in love.
Whatever energy is left in this space
We return to the earth with a spirit of gratitude.
Merry meet and merry part, and merry meet again.

Copyright ©2024 by David Taliesin,

About David Taliesin

My name is David Taliesin. I'm an writer, teacher and retreat leader who explores the connections between Christian and Pagan Spirituality. E-mail me with any personal comments you'd like to share and I will do my best to answer them. You can also contact me through my Facebook page
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